Stay Healthy, Stay Fine, Stay Online

Posted by Alex Levantis on 23-Mar-2020 19:05:49

It is a difficult time for everyone, what you must remember is that you can help yourself and everyone around you by following a few simple steps to make sure you stay healthy, stay positive and keep to your usual routine – even when you are social distancing or self-isolating.

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Stay Healthy:

Follow official advice that has been given by your national or regional health authority. These guys are the experts and their advice is best for you, your friends and family. If you’re already in the US, UK or Canada, make sure you keep up to date with the Coronvirus (COVID-19) advice that has been given in each country. Our Coronavirus advice page will help direct you to the local health services in the UK, USA and Canada as well as give some tips on staying healthy.

Stay Fine:

Staying healthy is not just about physical health. It is important to look after your mental health just as much as your body. This may sound like a challenge whilst you are self-isolating or caring for a loved one, but it is something that you must make time for to ensure you stay positive. We put together some quick tips for you to follow when you are self-isolating to help stay fine:

1)  Avoid too much media coverage. Keep informed by following reputable media coverage and official advice. Don’t stay glued to the news at all times

2)  Connect to your friends and loved ones through calls, messages or video calls - we are stronger when we are together so make sure to keep in contact. Remember to reach out to those who might need more support

3)  Create a daily self-care routine for you and your family and make sure you stick to it. Try to set aside a set time of the day to be mindful or to clean and tidy up – keep your mind and your living space uncluttered!

4)  Keep yourself busy with activities you can do in your home or accommodation. Board games, mindful activities, books, streaming TV or movies can give you something to focus on. If you are self-isolating, you could even pass the time by starting a new hobby, ever considered yoga or indoor gardening?


Get Online

You will want to ensure you keep your everyday life as normal as possible during this time. At Stafford House we understand how important it is to keep up with your studies to make sure you still reach your goals. To ensure you stay safe and still get to class, we have moved all English classes in our US and Canada schools online. If you are already studying with us please login to your Stafford House Student Portal to access the online learning program.

Topics: Canada, UK, Accommodation, Study Abroad, Study English, USA, english classes, "mental health", online english, coronavirus, health, online classes