Stafford House English Blog

7 Places to Instagram in London

Written by Millie Desanges | 21-Aug-2017 07:16:00

London is a beautiful and dynamic city with historic buildings around every corner. A ride on the Tube in any direction can land you in an amazing garden or a cool looking neighborhood. We always like to have a few out of the ordinary sites to recommend to our English students when they are studying in London. We find they want more than just Big Ben or the Tower of London photos to post on their instagram. 

We recommend you check out these places next time you are in London. 

God’s Own Junkyard – Whether you’re looking for the perfect picture to make your Instagram followers jealous or just a genuinely cool café to hang out in, Gods own Junkyard is your place! Open on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, it’s the perfect spot for those weekend snaps, and if the London weather gets you down this place is sure to brighten up your mood.

SkyGarden -  115 meters tall, the SkyGarden offers the perfect view across the cityscape of London. It also has a pretty impressive structure on the inside that’s snap worthy too! Its open everyday of the week and just when you think it can’t get better …it's free! Simply book your visit online free of charge and turn up on the day to take your photos.

Camden Town – Camden Town shows off its mesmerising shops streaked with colour along the High Street - much of the art is actually 3D! It also boasts an enormous market filled with everything from vintage clothing to traditional Indian products, meaning it really does offer something for everyone. If you’re looking for a splash of culture or colour to your Instagram feed this really is the one for you.

Shoreditch Love Lock Wall -  Yes every city is jumping on the love lock bandwagon, but let’s face it, we just can’t spread the love enough! Just outside Shoreditch station lies this beatiful wire fence filled with locks of both friendship and love, with every participant leaving behind a small momento to make their permanent mark on the streets of London. Attach your lock and snap away.

Brick Lane – Brick Lane is famously known for its Sunday market and award winning Indian curry houses, but look a little closer and you will notice that the streets themselves are lined with colourful street art. Some shop owners have opted to recruit artists to design their shutters so even when the shops are closed there are still plenty of masterpieces to see. With Shoreditch just around the corner boasting equally enticing street art, it’s definitely not one to miss with your camera lens.

Abbey Road Crossing – Calling all people with good taste in music, we introduce to you one of the most popular zebra crossings ever! Of course it’s the Abbey Road Studios crossing, most famously recognised from a photo which featured the Beatles. Head down to Abbey Road and wait in line to have your photo taken on the crossing, but we advise you get there early in the morning so you don’t have to fight your way through the hundreds of tourists ready on the side of the road. (P.S Mind the traffic!)

London Pride -  If you are lucky enough to be visiting London during the summer then there is a good chance you might be here to celebrate Pride in June. Pride is celebrated by an estimated one million people each year in the city and offers the perfect opportunity to join in, have fun and take some of the most colourful pictures ever. Each street along the parade route is lined with brightly coloured flags, people covered in glitter, rainbow coloured outfits and  unbeatable smiles. Cameras at the ready!